Friday, December 30, 2011

Books I've Read This Year

Do you like to read?  I do. Ever since I can remember I've loved to read.  A couple of years ago I started to keep track of what I read.  Wish I'd done it years ago because it's fun to look back and see what I've read.  I wonder how many books I've read in my lifetime?

The Nester  posted about this a few days ago and asked anyone to link up with her, so I decided to join in.

Here is my list:.

The Ballroom on Magnolia Street

 The Energy Bus

 One Thousand Gifts  I read this one several times, just love it!

 Winter Garden

 Minding Frankie

Moon Over Manifest

 Belong To Me

 Small Town Girl

The Peach Keeper

 I Capture The Castle

 Distant Hours

 Comfort Food

 Friendship Bread

 The House At Riverton

 Joy for Beginners

 Knit Two

 Heaven is For Real

The Help

 The Provence Cure For The Brokenhearted

 A Million Miles in a Thousand Years

 Jane Eyre
 How Elizabeth Barrett Browning Saved My Life

I read a few more as well but they weren't good enough to recommend so  didn't list them..

Do you have any recommendations of a good book to read?



  1. You certainly did some good reading this year. I have read a few on your list and am looking forward to more good reading in the coming new year. The blog looks as beautiful as ever. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  2. Rhondi I'm so glad to see your list. I have read very little for pleasure in the last year. Reading is on my list of goals for 2012. I've been making a list and I'll have to add a few of yours. :) Happy New Year!

  3. I will have to check those out! Thanks Rhondi.
    Happy New Year!

  4. Count me in! I love to read. I am a cozy mystery book reader myself, but recently started to challenge myself with some autobiographies, novels, and more with my niece's on-line book club. The club has kind of fizzled, probably because we are spread across the country and can't share over refreshments! I have been thinking about making a list on my sidebar, just to see how many books I read (and re-read- my vice) in the coming year.

  5. That's quite a list, Rhondi! I've read The Help and The House at Riverton and Jane Eyre from your list. I always have a stack of books on the bedside table - never bored!

  6. Checked the list and I've only read two on yours...great idea to keep track, I'll have to see if I can go around and remember them for this year. Happy New Years.

  7. Congrats on reading so many good books this year. I haven't kept track of mine this year and I haven't read as many as in years past. I need to get back to my reading so that my brain doesn't turn to computerized mush! Happy New Year!
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  8. I've read two of the books on your list - One Thousand Gifts and The Help. Loved both of them. Wishing you a wonderful New Year filled with blessings beyond imagination!

  9. Rhondi, I read over your book list, and I have read some of the same ones: Winter Garden, Distant Hours, The House at Riverton, The Help, and Jane Eyre. Have you read the Forgotten Garden which is also by Kate Morton? I also saw the Peach Keeper on your list. I haven't read that particular novel, but I love the author and have read most of her other books. Thanks for sharing.

  10. What a lovely list of books Rhondi! I've read a few of them and found some here today that I want to read. Happy New Year to you! xxoo

  11. I got a kindle for Christmas 2010. I discovered Robyn Carr and started reading her Virgin River series. I have only 2 more on her list of the series to read and I will be caught up with her. And in between those I have read a few Debbie Macomber books as well. Love reading!

  12. Happy New Year to you and yours! Loved your pic with Santa... how adorable, you've still got it goin girl!

    Hugs, sherry

  13. I got a Kindle for Christmas last year and have read myself silly. 55 books this year so I may join in the fun over at the Nester. Like you, it's too many books to post but my favorites I'd recommend to anyone. Thanks for telling us about it.

  14. I wish I had more time to read. I have read a few books on your list. I will keep your list for future reference. Santa gave me a Kindle so maybe I will read more.

    I noticed your adorable photo of you sitting in front of a pretty blue quilt. Is it a Maggie Walker Blue Collection? Did you make two of them? (I see another one on your site). I made one and occasionally think about making another one using all different colors. Love your blog.

  15. Have you read The Life of Pi by Yann Martel? (Nor sure if the name is spelled correctly) I really enjoyed it. Wishing you a happy and blessed 2012 and yes, I love to read as well!

    Susan and Bentley

  16. Rhondi--that's quite a list! BTW I've made the star you showed on your blog several times and have linked others to it! Fun! I tried it with black and white card stock paper and it was more difficult--I reduced the size by eye--next time with a ruler so it is exact! Thanks for posting it! (you can see the bl/white star on my 2011 collage in my post yesterday).

    Happy New Year!

    hugs, dotsie

  17. Can't tell you how many books I've read this's a fair bundle! I love your list; I think I'd like to sit in your study with a pot of tea and read for days. Haven't been by in a your new look! Happy New Year!

  18. I am a lover of reading, too. I keep a list on my blog sidebar of the books I have read for the last several years.

    My favorite this past year was The Swan House by Elizabeth Musser. I loved, loved, loved it, and I believe you would, too.

    I miss hearing from you.♥


Thanks so very much for taking the time to leave a comment. I always read every one. I am glad you stopped by for a visit. Hope you'll come again!