Monday, November 9, 2009

Multitude Monday


Good morning. How is your week shaping up? I had such a busy weekend so I am just taking the morning to catch my breath, relax and enjoy the peace. This is the sunset one night recently. It's beautiful isn't it? Looking at a sunset always makes me feel contented in some way.

Recently I found a blog called holy experience. I have really been enjoying it. Even just listening to the music is wonderful! Every Monday she has what she calls Multitude Monday and she lists things she is grateful for, just like I do with my Thankful Thursdays, only she has taken it a step further and aimed for 1,000 things to be grateful for! She has been doing it for quite awhile and is past 1,000 now!

I am going to join in every Monday. I think being grateful is a great way to start each week. It hope it will help me keep life in perspective and remind me of how very blessed I am, no matter what the circumstances.


So here goes.....I'm on my way to one thousand gifts. Each thing I am grateful for is a "gift". Ann at Holy Experience calls it "giving intentional thanks and gathering fresh joy". I could really use some of that "fresh joy"!

1. Jesus

2. good health

3.a kind faithful husband

4. great kids and their spouses

5. three grandchildren

6. one little grandson on the way the end of November

7. beautiful fall day

8. wonderful church

9. friends

10. music that inspires and cheers me

11. food in the pantry

12. a fun lunch with blog friends

13. sunshine

14. my studio

15. the falling leaves cardinals flitting by my window

17. God's word

18. my sister

19. having a daughter

20. 40 years of marriage

Thank you for being my blog friend today.

Rhondi xo


  1. This is a great reminder of how blessed we really are! I love your list and identify with the things you've written. Thanks for the reminder to begin my week with thanks for my blessings and a grateful heart for God's abundance to me. ~Adrienne~

  2. Lovely idea Rhondi. We all should join in. :)

  3. Hi Rhonda. I have been doing this also but I forgot where I saw it. Now I can link back to her blog.
    I also think her blog is so pretty. I love her photo's and and her music.

  4. Hi Rhondi.....You always remind me to stop and think of how blessed I am!~Hugs, Patti

  5. Rhondi, you are on my list of "gifts received". I always come away from your blog feeling refreshed and full of joy. You offer a sense of clam and joy to all who stop by for a visit. Hope you have a terrific week! ~ Sarah

  6. I'm with Sarah, Rhondi... you are a GIFT! You are a very special lady, and I think you are a blessing to many, including little ole me.


    Sheila :-)

  7. What a great way to start off your week! We truly are blessed in so many ways.

  8. Reading your post always reminds me of all I have to be thankful for. So I am thankful for you. Thanks again.

  9. What a lovely idea. I enjoyed your list. laurie

  10. Thanks for this post. It is good to often think about how blessed we are. I often think of a former pastor who, when asked "how are you?" would always answer with "I'm blessed" no matter what was going on.

  11. Your list is very impressive, you are blessed.
    You are a gift to all your blogsisters.

    Have a terrific day counting your many blessings!!!

  12. It is truly the everyday things that are so precious.

  13. You have a great start on your list of things to be thankful for.Great way to remember our blessings.
    I enjoyed reading your previous post about meeting some blogging friends-looks like a good time was had by all!

  14. What a beautiful sunset. It is a reminder that all good and beautiful things come from God. I have been filled with gratitude for all the ways GOd has taken care of our family recently. We are so blessed!

  15. it is always good to remember all the things we are thankful for~

  16. I had listed some things I am thankful for on my Suday post on my regular nannykim blog. HOWEVEr, if I had to list 1,000 things I would never remember what I had already listed. This week on my spindlecottage blog I made a little list of family rules on my chalkboard and it was only 12 things and I repeated one twice and never realized it even though I had read it repetedly!! My hubby pointed it out on his first reading!!! So I would probably be very very repetitious!!!!

  17. Also as you may have noticed I do typos and spellos!!

  18. So many things to be grateful for. And you have listed 20 wonderful reasons. A great exercise to remind us of how lucky we really are.

  19. Oh--just sent you a note; but now on re-reading your post I see you will do this on Mondays. ;-)

  20. What a great way to start the week....or a day. Lovely post.


  21. Beautiful are a wonderful woman Rhondi. X


Thanks so very much for taking the time to leave a comment. I always read every one. I am glad you stopped by for a visit. Hope you'll come again!