Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I wrote my thankful Thursday post last night and then I realised this morning that today is September 11, so I had to do a second post. How could we ever forget that day?
I am thankful that our government has been vigilant against terrorists and we have kept our country safe for these last 7 years. I changed my music in honor of America.
God bless America

Rhondi xo


  1. Thank you, Rhondi, for this post and the music. We are thankful today for our country and we remember those who lost loved ones that day that changed our lives. ~Adrienne~

  2. A beautiful post. I agree wholeheartedly with you.

  3. Hi Rhondi, thanks for your good wishes, I appreciate them. A lovely tribute and a reminder never to forget that day 7 years ago.


  4. Yes, beautiful. I love this GOD BLESSED country and we'll survive and overcome any thing they try to throw at us. GOD BLESS our military soldiers, policemen, firefighters and all those who have given their lives so that I might have freedom. My heart is tender for all those souls, sweet chicks!
    Smooches and love to all,

  5. God bless America. Beautiful post. We shall never forget.

  6. Beautiful and a wonderful tribute, Rhondi.


  7. Yes Bev, our country has done such a wonderful job defending us from any more attacks. I wonder how many times they have stopped an attempt. I am so glad that I am back in America. Blessings, Karen

  8. Rhondi, Great photo and sentiment.

    God bless America.

    Hugs, jeanne

  9. Today I also posted a God Bless America entry on my blog. I hope no one ever forgets 9-11. I love your song. My phone plays that.

  10. I did the same just slipped up on me. I will NEVER forget !
    love, bj

  11. Hi Rhondi
    We both chose the same song Bless the USA today as we remember 9/11. It is hard to imagine it was so long seems like only yesterday. The picture you chose says so much....and we are thankful for those who keep us safe..

    Come by and visit my 9/11 Remembering also.

    Thank you for Thankful Thursday.

  12. A lovely post today, Beverly. It is filled with sadness and sorrow for the lives lost and the lives that have been affected so deeply by the loss of their loved ones. And it is filled with sadness for our country--once so naive--thinking we were above the acts of such awful people. Yes, thankfully, we have not been hit since then, but if our leaders and military hadn't been so actively protecting us, we would have. God bless us and keep us safe. We pray our new President will be wise and strong and will continue to stand up to our enemies. dana

  13. I'm very thankful for this as well!

    I just want to tell you that I'm praying for your family in Houston, I hope they have evaculated. Let us know how they do in the awful storm.


  14. I love that picture on your post. Thanks for the reminder. Mimi

  15. Great post with a wonderful picture! I went to iTunes and brought the song as 'my tribute from the UK'

  16. Rhondi, thoughts of this immediately give me chills.

    God surely does bless us.

  17. Time to time I come back to your website - and it inspires me - I am grateful for Christians who stand up for what they believe in and for inspring hope in those who are lost and are looking for fulfillment in their lives. Thank you, Rhondi. Adrienne Weber


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