Hi! I'm so glad you came to my tea party today because I want to tell you about a very special person in my life and how tea at her home had a great influence on my life. The person is Aunt Lottie, my dad's older sister. It was Aunt Lottie that started me on collecting my Dainty Blue china.
She had a wonderful collection of tea cups and whenever we went to visit she always used them for tea. I feel so fortunate to have a couple of them.
Aren't they beautiful?
So let me tell you about my aunt. She was always so loving and caring , but there was a particular time in my life when she was an even greater blessing than usual. I lived fairly close to her for a few years when the children were young and often when we needed an outing, we would just drop by to visit unannounced. She was always so happy to see us and stopped whatever she was doing and put the kettle on for tea. Then she would get out her bone china cups and saucers and we would sit at her kitchen table.
She ALWAYS had a fresh baked batch of chocolate chip cookies and she always had time to stop and have a visit. For a young mom who desperately needed some adult conversation, it was heaven!
I can't remember what kind of a teapot she had but I don't think it was anything fancy.
We would chat about all kinds of things, how the children were doing, how her ministry to all the ladies in the apartment building across the street was going, and how the rest of the family was. There was always this little plastic loaf of bread with bible verses which the kids loved to pick and have her read it to them.
I have such fond memories as a young child, then a teenager and then a young mother with children of my own of sitting at her simple kitchen table, with her fancy cups munching on chocolate chip cookies enjoying the peace that filled her home and feeling so loved. Thank you Aunt Lottie..
So come sit at my table, munch on some chocolate chip cookies and have some tea from one of Aunt Lottie's teacups and maybe I can make you feel special and loved the way my Aunt Lottie did. After all, you are special and I do love every one of you.
Rhondi xo
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