Wednesday, March 17, 2010

One Day At a Time

Our lives are made up of a million moments, spent in a million ways. 

Some are spent searching for love, peace and harmony.   Others are spent surviving day to day. 

But there is no greater moment than when we discover the most wonderful truth of all: we have within ourselves the power to be fully satisfied and live a life with true meaning.
One day at a time-

we have that ability, through cherishing each moment and rejoicing in each dream. 

We can experience each day anew , and with this fresh start we have what it takes to make all our dreams come true. 

 Each day is new, and living one day at a time enables us to truly enjoy life and live it to its fullest.

These words were written by Regina Hill and I read them on Kim's blog Daisy Cottage when I first began my blog.  They are encouraging and true and I just wanted to share them with you today.

Rhondi xo


  1. How did you know I needed to hear those words today. I thank the Lord for you today, you are a blessing.


  2. I completely agree with the above post...amazing! THANK YOU!

  3. Thank you for such a beautiful post!

  4. Very sweet and so inspiring. Thanks for adding the wonderful pictures too. You are loved.

  5. This was indeed a lovely post. We all need the reminder to live one day at a time, living in each moment to the best of our ability.

    Lovely pictures also.


  6. Beautiful pictures and beautiful post. I need to remember this. Thanks. Hugs, Marty

  7. I, too, needed to hear those words today. Things have been so very difficult for Todd and I these past couple of weeks. We are trying to hold up and move forward in faith, but some days our steps begin to falter . . . just a bit. That is when we need to remind ourselves of the little things . . .that matter so very much. Life is good, if we choose it to be. xxoo

  8. Hi Rhondi,
    What a beautiful post you have shared. All the words are so true with meaning for us all.
    Thank you so much for your sweet and kind ways through your blog. It is a blessing to visit.
    I love your header with the blue and white. What a wonderful place to write and just be.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day.
    Love to you,
    Celestina Marie

  9. Rhondi.....How true and inspiring! Thanks for sharing that.~Patti

  10. Thanks Rhondi. I really needed to hear some words of encouragement today!

    Susan and Bentley

  11. Right on time Rhondi!!! Thanks for the inspiration.

  12. Thank you so much for sharing...deep down, we know sometimes gets buried beneath every day life. It's very encouraging to be reminded.
    xo bj

  13. Such beautiful words Rhondi. Thank you for sharing this with your pictures also. I follow Daisy Cottage but haven't got there yet today...I'll head over there after I post my comment to you. I hope you have a wonderful day.....Maura

  14. What a wonderful post, Rhondi, and beautiful pictures to go with it.

  15. Words well worth repeating!

  16. This was a wonderfully inspiring post and it has renewed me for another day!!
    Happy Wednesday Sweetie!! xOxO Nerina

  17. Rhondi, what a beautiful and inspiring post!

  18. Hi Rhondi
    Nice to stumble across your blog today. I love it! Your words in this post remind me what the Bible says about Gods mercies are new every day.
    I am going to add your blog to my blog roll. Hope that's ok.

  19. Shared so beautifully as always Rhondi.
    Thank you for inspiring ME.



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