I am longing for fall. We are still getting summer heat here, and I'm longing for the cool temperatures of fall and that wonderful crispness you get in the air. When we went for our walk early this morning it was already hot and humid.
The other day I just had to stop outside this garden and snap
a picture of this amazing plant. I think it's called angel trumpet. It is about 6 feet high and just as wide.

Isn't the color gorgeous? Each blossom is about a foot long.

Pumpkins are
synonymous with fall.

I found these mini ones at the
grocery store the other day. They are just so cute.

They remind me of a little song my daughter learned in preschool.
Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate
The first one said oh my it's getting late
The second one said there are witches in the air
The third one said well I don't care
The fourth one said I'm ready for some fun
The fifth one said lets run and run and run
Woooo went the wind and out went the light
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight
I wonder how many of you remember it too? Isn't it crazy that you can remember something from over 20 years ago but can't remember what you had for lunch yesterday?

I made us a pot of tea in my pumpkin teapot. Hope you can stay and visit for awhile. Got any interesting plans for this week?
Mmm, that was a good cup of tea. See you again soon.
Rhondi xo