Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fall Mantle Party

It’s the annual fall mantle party at Thrifty Decor Chick.  I love a party, don’t you?   And I LOVE fall, so decorating the mantle for fall is a fun way to celebrate.  I recently painted our living room and dining room pure white  but I have been too busy with wedding plans for our daughter’s wedding so the room is still not accessorized but I did decorate the mantle.
Some empty picture frames painted with Annie Sloan chalk paint Louis Blue are above the mantle and I added a bunch of other stuff I had around the house.

One of my favorite framed bible  verses.
                                         A pumpkin I covered with fabric last year.
                                           Dried hydrangeas from our garden
                             A candle my daughter gave me  and some little gourds from Michaels.

                           A garland of bittersweet that I bought several years ago at Michaels.
                         Little glass pumpkin candleholders I got at a garage sale a couple of years ago.

I would love to invite you to stay and have a cup of something warm and “fallish” but our daughter’s wedding is a week today  so I am kind of busy :)
After next week I will have lots of time so I hope you’ll come back for a visit then.
Don’t forget to go and visit Sarah  Thrifty Chick to see lots of wonderful ideas for your fall mantle
Rhondi xo

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Happy Fall Y'all

It’s the first official day of fall.  The morning air is cooler. The crickets sound is sweeter.  The summer humidity is gone.
With our daughter’s wedding less than 2 weeks away, I haven’t had  time for much fall decor, but I did gather up a few pumpkins from last year and display them in the living room.
With our daughter’s wedding less than 2 weeks away, I haven’t had  time for much fall decor, but I did gather up a few pumpkins from last year and display them in the living room.

Well that’ s it.  Happy fall y’all.
Rhondi xo

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dear friends
I have taken my tea set and my rose colored glasses and moved to Wordpress.  You can find me here 

I hope you'll come and visit me!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Chandelier Makeover with Spray Paint

I have wanted to do a chandelier makeover with spray paint for some time.  Our chandelier is brass with black accents.  It came with the house and I’ve never liked it.  Some time ago I saw Candice Olson on her HGTV show do a chandelier makeover with white spray paint and it was gorgeous, so I decided that’s what I wanted to do.

 The candles and part of the upper center was black  which made it even darker, but I had already painted them before I took this photo.  It has beautiful crystals on it that really sparkle when it is lit up.

 Last weekend I finally got around to doing my chandelier makeover with spray paint.  Do you ever have a idea for a project  and it takes you forever before you actually do it, and when you finally do,  it takes much less time than you thought it would?

On the HGTV show she covered every crystal with foil and then spray painted it while it was hanging from the ceiling.  I have no idea how she ever sprayed it without getting spray throughout the entire room!  I took off all the crystals first. Fortunately  I took a “before” picture  or I wouldn’t have know which crystals went where when I went to put them back on.  Anyhow, I took off the crystals and cleaned them while my husband disconnected the wires.  The only tricky part was finding a place to hang it while I spray painted it.  The hook for the  bird feeder in our backyard worked just fine.
I used Rustoleum gloss white.  This picture isn’t very good.  I need a new camera.  Maybe my husband will read this 😉
                                                            I love how it turned out.

                                                        It really sparkles when it’s lit up!

You might have noticed there are a few patches of different color paint on the walls.  I was trying to decide between a pale blue or white. I like the look of the living room all white so I think the dining room is going be white too.  As soon as I get the dining room walls painted my spray painted chandelier will look enter better and sparkle even more!
But I have a wedding dress to make for my daughter so all painting  is on hold until I get that finished!
Before I go I just want to encourage you that if there is a small project around your home that you’ve planned to do and haven’t yet, maybe you should just do it.  I’m glad I finally did!
Rhondi xo

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Becoming Conference and Two Favorite Bloggers

I recently went to the  Becoming Conference and met two favorite bloggers. Do you ever wish you could meet some of the bloggers who you read all the time?  Well about  a month ago, I got to do that at the Becoming Conference   It was a wonderful conference set in the mountains of North Carolina near Asheville.  It was hosted by Jenny from  Southern Savers and Jen of Balancing Beauty and Bedlam .  I think this is the 3rd year they have had it.

Becoming…creative, purposeful, frugal.  That is the name of the conference.   The cost was very inexpensive and it  was on Friday evening and all day Saturday   There were lots of great tips from lots of bloggers on being “becoming” creative , purposeful and frugal.

There were so many great speakers, all bloggers.  Two of my favorites were there so I just had to get a picture.  Here I am with Edie of Life in Grace.  Edie  and Ruth Soukup of Living Well Spending Less did a session on HOSPITALITY.

Edie said

“HOSPITALITY is not about inviting people into your perfect home, but inviting people into our imperfect hearts”

and ” making our homes beautiful is important because the world is a harsh place.”  

Here I am with Angela of  Button Bird Designs.  Angela’s enthusiasm and creativity are contagious.  I think that just standing next to her makes you more creative!  She had lots of fun ideas on how to stir up your creativity and she brought lots of her art with her.

Both of these girls were just as genuine and delightful as I expected them to be and I am so glad I had the chance to meet them.  Next year I plan to go to the  Becoming Conference again.  Maybe I will see you there!

Rhondi xo