Linda at Linda's Blue Gate blog gave me this
Dishaholic Award. It got me thinking that maybe there needs to be a group for
dishaholics, not an award....

So the rules were I am to show my favorite dishes, tell the dishes I'd love to own and show my favorite accessory.
This is our everyday blue willow. Every time I see a piece of it that is $2 or less I pick it up, so I have
enough to feed at least 30 people. These have been our everyday dishes for over 30 years and I never tire of it!

This is my favorite set, Dainty Blue by Shelley. You've seen it before if you visit very often. It's a
tea set. I used to have 8 cups and saucers but over the years they have broken and I still have 8 saucers, I only have 4 cups now. I just love to serve tea in it.

The dishes I'd love to own are red
My favorite accessory is any kind of blue and white china.
This is the china that I picked out as a young bride. My mother said to get something classic, so I chose this Wedgwood set, plain white with a gold edge. It is so boring looking but food looks great on it!

This is the oldest set of dishes I have. My mom bought it at an antique store years ago . It's well over 100 years old, made by Royal Worcester. I don't know the pattern name.

Here is a close up.

I have lots of odd bits and pieces....

Lots of mismatched plates..

like to display my dishes in this red hutch in the kitchen.

On the wall and shelves in the kitchen....

On lots of walls...the dining room....

I hide, I mean, store extra dishes in bedroom closets.

So as you can see I have quite a few dishes, but I don't think I'm a
dishaholic. I mean really, I can walk in to any china department in a big department store and not buy a thing. I can pass by a display of dishes at a thrift shop and not buy anything. Well maybe if it was blue and white and very cheap I'd have to buy it. I mean it would be a crime to let someone else get the deal wouldn't it? And what's one more piece of china, now really! No I don't think I'm a
dishaholic. I can control myself. So
Linda I think I should return this award because I really don't qualify. Guess I'm just in denial!
Rhondi xo