Today I am thankful for cardinals. I want to tell you a story about them but first let me show you these wooden cardinals I got at a yard sale for 50 cents each. They are even signed by the artist!

When I brought them inside I wasn't sure where to put them. There was some discussion among the flock as to where they wanted to be.
It was decided that 2 would be on the windowsill in the kitchen and have a view outside. My little ceramic cardinal was glad to have some company!

One nestled in among the teapots in the corner on the kitchen counter.
The other three decided they'd like to be near the TV. Even though their team (The Cardinals, he he) isn't in the playoffs they wanted to watch the games!

So my new acquistions are all settled in. Now let me tell you a story.
This happened a long time ago when my husband was concerned about losing his job. I was sitting out on our patio, talking to God about the job situation. Well actually I was probably complaining to Him! We always put bird seed out for the birds, but this particular day I also put some seed scattered along the low stone wall that surrounded our patio. While I watched, several cardinals came over, landed on the stone wall and began to peck at all the seed I had put out. I enjoy watching the birds, especially the cardinals, just because of their brilliant color.
As I sat there watching , I thought about how I provided food for the birds every day. Usually the food was in the feeder but today there was food in a different spot and there was lots of it. It was then that I had a revelation. I think that it was God showing me. Just as I provided for the birds every day, God will provide for my needs. But here was the bigger lesson from watching the birds. Those cardinals had always got food from the feeder and today there was a new source of provision for them, from a place where there had never been food before. But what the cardinals didn't know was that I had a huge bag of seed inside, so when that seed was all gone I had plenty more for them. It was like God said to me, "I have an unlimited supply too. Just enjoy what you have today and when tomorrow comes I'll provide."
So today I am thankful for a God who provides and for that unforgettable lesson I learned from watching the birds.
What are you thankful for today?