I am on a mission to unclutter life, inside and outside. To organize,simplify unclutter and get rid of stuff. It’s that time of year when many of us feel the need to to that. All the magazines have artickle about getting organized. All the stores have storage bins ready for us to buy.
I think you can tell the state of mind of a person by how messy their house is. The opposite is true also that the mess or order in our houses affects the state of our minds.
For example here is what my sewing room/guest room looked like yesterday morning.
I had just thrown stuff in there over the Christmas holidays. There is even an armchair on its side which got moved to make room for the tree. Rather than clean it up I just closed the door, but every time I had to go in there I thought, “I should clean this up” . This room looks like what my mind was like during the holidays, disorganized, cluttered, too many things going on.
Yesterday I decided it was time to tackle the room. As with most projects like this , once I started it really didn’t take very long! Order restored. I don’t need to shut the door to hide the mess. I don’t even like the room. The decor is dated and I have my mom’s watercolors on the wall which are beautiful but don’t go with anything, but that’s not the point. Now when I walk into the room I feel calm.
Sometimes the mess/turmoil inside is obvious, but other times no one knows but us. We hide it well. A perfect example of this are the closets in our sunroom. On the outside everything looks under control.On the inside…well that ‘s a different story.
These rooms are how we are sometimes. Both rooms a were in a state of disarray. The first one was visible. The second one was hidden. If I never cleaned up that closet, no one would know except me. With my sewing room all it took was deciding to do it and it didn’t take long at all. With the second one, I’ve shown you a picture I made myself accountable, which hopefully will give me the motivation to clean it up.
So which one are you today? A bit of a mess which only needs some attention to get you back on track? Or looking good on the outside but a mess on the inside? If you are the second one, do like I have just done. Share it with someone else and ask them to make you accountable. If I don’t show you a picture of this closet cleaned up, please get after me 

You probably have a friend who would be glad that you asked them to help you with this. If you don’t have a friend like that, I would be honored to help you be accountable.
Let’s do this, unclutter your life inside and out. You can do it!!
Looking at the world through Rose Colored Glasses,
Rhondi xo
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