Good morning my dear friends.
I finally have some pictures of our kitchen redo. We have left the counter tops and lighting the same for now and hope to replace them in the near future. But this is how it looks so far.
I think that this set of glasses that I bought around 30 years ago at a garage sale plus our lime green dining room in our previous home were the main inspiration.

This picture is a little dark, but you can see the plate collection over the sink and a new glass shelf to hold more of my blue glass. In the afternoon when the sun shines through it is beautiful! You can also see the mosaic under the windowsill. I had a quite a few broken plates which I had saved in case I ever got inspired to make something mosaic. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to use them and give the kitchen a personalized look. So I used them to fill in a few random spaces instead of the plain white tile.

The light is better in this shot.

I painted a verse over the kitchen sink. If you click on the picture you can see it better.

Here is a close up of the mosaic above the sink.

I found these 2 canisters at Goodwill the other day for $4 for the pair. They are by Marjolien Basten whose paintings I love. I got the blue willow switchplate covers from Ebay.

Here is the hutch decked out in a collection of china and a few baskets. This photo is too light ( I sound like Goldilocks: this one is to dark and this one is too light and this one is just right!)

Anyhow that's my kitchen redo such as it is. I'm happy with how it has turned out so far. Eventually my plan is to get an electrician to put in more efficient lighting, maybe small potlights,recessed into the ceiling and then put paneling on the ceiling. I've seen some nice white tongue and groove paneling which would be nice. The last thing to do will be the counters, hopefully granite, someday...
I am going to be away for the week visiting with my sister, so you probably won't hear from me all week. I'll leave you with this little poem I've always loved.
My Little Kitchen
God bless my little kitchen I love its every nook
And bless me as I do my work
Wash pots and pans and cook.
And may the meals that I prepare
Be seasoned from above
With Thy great blessing and Thy grace
But most of all Thy love.
As we partake our earthly food
The table before us spread
We'll not forget to thank Thee,
Lord Who gives us daily bread.
So bless my little kitchen, Lord
And those who enter in
May they find naught but joy and peace
And happiness therein.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Rhondi xo