I am thankful today that my sister is here for a visit. Although we talk on the phone almost every day, I haven't seen her in a year. In this picture I am about 7 and my sister is 4.
There is something special about a sister. She grows up with the same experiences and values as you do. She gets your jokes. She remembers you when you were young and energetic and optimistic about life. We have been through a lot together and I love her more than anything.
While she is here we probably won't go anywhere. We will sit around and talk and laugh, maybe go for a walk. To anyone looking on it might seem like a boring time, but it won't be to us. We will enjoy every precious minute spent together. It will be wonderful!!
Here are the others joining in on Thankful Thursday. Hope you have time to visit them. It helps me be more thankful when I hear what others are thankful for.
Since my sister is here I won't be posting for a few days.
So I am thankful for my sister and that she has come to visit. What are you thankful for today?
Rhondi xo
If you want to join us today or I missed listing you for thankful Thursday, please let me know and I'll add you to the list right away.