Friday, December 28, 2007
A Quiet Start to a Busy Day
As you can see I've added a picture to my title banner. This is where I start my day. Isn't it a beautiful spot? Every morning I make a cup of tea and sit in my chaise lounge with my bible and my journal. I get some inspiration and encouragement for the day, write down some of my thoughts and get ready to face the day. In the winter I cuddle under the quilt. I can watch the sunrise and listen to the birds in the woods. It is a wonderful way to start each day.
I don't know about you but every year as soon as Christmas is over I just want to get all the Christmas stuff away and get my home in order. I clean out closets, sort drawers and get bags and boxes of things to take to Goodwill. It is such a good feeling to be in control. At this time of year I want to declutter my home. This declutter mode doesn't last too long as I am a born collector and so bit by bit the temporarily bare surfaces get things arranged on them again. I am sure many of you can identify with me! But I do get my home more organized and get rid of the stuff I know I don't need. Of course you know how that goes. As soon as I throw it out I will find a need for it next week!
Before Christmas I had begun to redo our kitchen. It is the original kitchen from the 1960's. I am on a very limited budget so all I can afford is paint, new hardware and maybe some tiles for the backslpash. Right now it is all white with beige laminate on the counters and butcher block laminate on the island. I am going to keep the cabinets white , the trim white and the walls lime green, and try to paint the laminate counters. We had lime green with white trim in the dining room in a previous house and it looked great with all my blue and white china, so I am trying it again. So that is my project for January.
Do you make new year's resolutions? I don't do new year's resolutions, but I often reflect on the past year. We watch too much TV in the evening and I want to try to read a little more instead of watching TV. I don't like sex or bad language or violence in books. One of my favorite authors is Rosamunde Pilcher. I like books that are inspiring, autobiographies, good fiction, true stories. Any good books you could recommend?
Well back to the great clean up. Hope that you have a wonderful day and that whatever you do brings you a sense of joy or fulfillment.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

One of the fun things I have discovered about blogs, besides how amazingly wonderful all the bloggers are, is that people are always giving awards.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Merry Christmas
Hope you all are more ready for Christmas than I am. Only 2 more days! I found this cute wooden Advent calendar tree at a local thrift shop the other day. Since I just got it a few days ago I didn't bother to fill the little doors with goodies, but next year I will have fun finding little treasures to fill it.
Today is Sunday so we are off to a very special Christmas service. Amidst all the busyness of the season it is so easy to forget the real reason we celebrate.
I want to wish you all a very merry Christmas. Hope you make lots of good memories this year. My prayer for all of you is that you can experience the joy peace and love that came to the earth on that special Christmas years ago. Just like the angels said , it is good news!
Thanks to all of you who read my blog and for all the kind comments you've left.
Rhondi xo
Friday, December 21, 2007
Since we've been away on vacation in Florida I haven't written as often as I had been. Blogging sure is fun isn't it? I have made so many wonderful friends since I began this blogging journey only a few weeks ago!
I am amazed at how kind everyone is. My friend Carol from Katherine's Dream gave me an award! What a lovely surprise! Thanks Carol.

1. I love blue & white china and have too much. Does that count as two?
2. I am addicted to designing and making quilts.
3. I have been on TV three times.
4. I grew up in Canada.
5. I love to garden. I think that's where we were meant to live. That's where God put Adam & Eve, in a garden.
6. I believe you can never have too much fabric.
7. I have THE MOST BEAUTIFUL grandchildren in the world!
So I want to give this award to Angela at Cottage Magpie and Penny at Lavender Hill Studio. (I am still new at this and don't know how to have you click on their name and be able to go right to their website, but they are listed on the Blogs I Love to Visit so you can find them there.) Hope you'll go and visit them!
Only 4 days until Christmas. Are you ready? I'm not.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Holiday Open House
Welcome to my holiday open house and thanks to Tracey at Notes From a Cottage Industry for organizing it. Make sure you go to her blog to see a list of other open houses.
If this is your first visit to my blog there are more open house pictures on my Dec.12 post which yoiu might enjoy :)
Baby It's Cold Outside
See you then and I hope this is a wonderful day for you .
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Going to Florida

Rhondi xo
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Christmas Open House
Our very traditional tree is in the corner. It's filled with old family ornaments and an assortment of things past down over the years.
A little closer view.
What do I love about my holiday home?
Rhondi xo
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Getting Ready for Company
Thanks for visiting!
Rhondi xo
Monday, December 10, 2007
As we waited for them to arrive I noticed that the sky was turning pink and it was a beautiful mild evening.
The ornaments on the tree were sparkling. The Christmas music was playing in the background. All was ready for our guests. They came. We talked. We laughed. We dined. We sipped some wine . We ate some chocolate.
Rhondi xo