Good morning. It is such a beautiful morning and I have missed chatting with you. So this morning I thought it would be a good idea to sit out on the deck and enjoy the day before it gets too hot.

I've poured a cup of tea.

Everything is so fresh and green after the thunderstorm we had yesterday. We must have a green cup and saucer to match!

I've put the teacup on my favorite little wrought iron table.

Let's sit down and relax .

Enjoy some of the greenery in the planters: sweet woodruff, creeping jenny and a very interesting type of fern whose name I don't know.

The beautiful variation of colors in houttuynia.

As you know I have been getting ready for the grandkids to arrive. I found this cute child's rocker at Goodwill, which is just the right size for litttle grands. It looks identical to the full size rocker that was in our kitchen when I was growing up so it, so I just had to buy it for sentimental reasons! I'd eventually like to paint it, but not before they arrive. I can just picture the grandchildren taking turns rocking in it.

I have this little wicker chair which you've seen on my front porch if you came to the summer porch party. I think our little granddaughter will love it.

And this cute rustic garden chair.

So everyone can join Grandma on the deck!
Right now the chairs are sadly sitting empty as we wait for them to arrive.

I even found this cute table and chairs at a garage sale the other day. It sits empty as we wait...

We've borrowed lots of toys from friends and lots of books from the library and I've bought lots of goodies to eat. We checked out a lot of places that are fun to take kids. We are so excited because the 2 year olds have never been to our house and the 4 year old has only been here once, when she was around 7 months old, so she doesn't remember coming to Grandma's house.
Originally we thought they would be here this weekend and then it was supposed to be Monday, but we just found out last night that our son has an important meeting at work Monday so now they plan to arrive late Tuesday night.
I feel just the kids on a long trip asking, "Are we there yet? Only I keep asking, "Are they here yet?"
Rhondi xo