Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Some Wise Words
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Refreshing Rains
Monday, April 28, 2008
A Little Feshening up
You've come at the perfect time. It's just a little past 4 o'clock here. Time for tea. Come and have a cup of tea with me and I'll show you what I've been up to. I've brought out my dainty blue tea set. Let's sit in the living room where I have been doing " a little freshening up".
I replaced the quilt on the wall with my blue and white one, which hung in my studio. This is a view of the room from the front hall.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Beauty of a Rose
Friday, April 25, 2008
Blue in my Garden
I like blue. I like blue.
Do you like it too? Do you like it too?
Blue is the color of oceans and skies,
Brand-new jeans and my grandmother's eyes
Did you ever see such a color so true
As blue, blue, blue?
It won't take you very long visiting me to know that I love blue. These are from my garden..
I think that blue might be God's favorite color too because he used a lot of it when he created the sky and the seas.
I met a new blogger named Cindy. She has a favorite color too which you'll see if you visit her. Try stop by and make her feel welcome.
You don't want to miss the fabulous quilt giveaway Camille is having. Make sure you tell her I sent you.
I am working at the Wing Haven sale again, surrounded by the beauty of flowers. I hope that you will find some beauty in your day today too.
Rhondi xo
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thankful Thursday

What are you thankful for today?
Rhondi xo
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Wing Haven Sale

This week I am involved in helping at the annual spring plant sale at Wing Haven. This is one of the fundraisers to help support the garden. I really enjoy doing it because of the beautiful and cheerful environment. Everyone who comes to the sale is happy. The people who come to our sale all love to garden so they are all having a great time choosing more plants for their well loved gardens. Next time you go to your favorite garden center take a look at the people buying plants and you'll see lots of happy people!
The collage is some pictures I took yesterday at the sale.
As most of you know I love blue and the combination of blue & white. Each year they seem to be coming out with more plants with blue flowers. So when I saw these I had to buy them! The plant is Lithodora. It will spread out and stay quite short.Aren't the colors great? I love them!! I'd like to try painting them. One of them is going in the garden at my back door so I can see it every time I come in and out. Not sure where I'll put the other one yet.
If you're one who loves to putter around in the garden I hope you get to do that today. That's what I plan to do this afternoon.
Whatever your plans are for today I hope that some joy comes your way.
Rhondi xo
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The rules for this award are:
1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also contributes to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her/him the award itself.
4. The award winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of Arte y Pico blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5. To show these rules.

Let Me Hear Joy
Can you hear the sound of birds outside your window in the mornings? They always sound so happy and full of joy, especially at this time of year.
The birds seem to be joyful just because it's a new day. I am going to do that too. I have a sweet little book by Thomas Kincaide and I love what he says:
Decide that joy is the hue you want your heart to be . Then start making the little and large choices that over time will paint your heart happy.
Rhondi xo
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Too Many Projects
This quilt top is finished. I made it out of men's shirts I bought at Goodwill. So I have to pick fabric for the back, pin the top and batting and back together and it's ready for me to quilt.
I have all these colors picked out ready for a new quilt, not sure what type of pattern to do, but I just love the wild color combination! So it's sits out where I can see it waiting for me to get some inspiration.
All I have left on this one is to sew on the binding. I am going to use the black and white print for the binding.
These are some new patches I've sewn together: flying geese and half square triangles. My plan is to make a lot of different kinds of blocks and then come up with a pleasing and creative arrangement.
I am doing a bit of re-arranging things in our living room so I've been working on a couple of pillow covers in blue and white.
I found this bit of embroidery at a yard sale for 50 cents so I plan to incorporate it into a pillow too.
So that's five sewing projects on the go! Why do I do this to myself? I tell myself it's because I'm creative :) Is there a solution or am I just a hopeless case?
Rhondi xo
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Thankful Thursday
What are you thankful for today?
Rhondi xo
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Free as a Bird
Hope you have joy filled day.
Rhondi xo
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Columbine In My Garden
I can't get enough of the colors of the garden this time of year. Every time I go outside there is something in bloom saying "take a picture of me". So this is what I took shots of today.
We live in a very basic 1960's brick ranch. But it has a nice front porch which makes it look inviting. Right now the dogwood out front is in full bloom and the Japanese maple is in full leaf. I mentioned in an older post that I wanted to name our home Rest and Be Thankful and when I drive up the driveway that's how I feel. I just want to rest and be thankful. One of these days I hope to make a sign.
This is the native columbine "aquilegia canadensis. It can sometimes be found growing wild.
The Columbine is a favourite old-fashioned garden-flower, being mentioned by Tusser (1580) among a list of flowers suitable 'for windows and pots', Parkinson, in 1629, speaks of the many varieties grown in gardens.
Monday, April 14, 2008
I Won a Prize!
This past weekend my quilt guild had their annual show and I won a second place ribbon in the large pieced category! Usually I like to design my own quilts, but this Karen Stone pattern was so great I just had to make it. It is paper pieced, and machine quilted. For those of you non quilters, paper piecing is a way to make the points very accurate in an easy way. I named this quilt Star in a Midnight Sky and it measures 60" x60". I couldn't get the right light to show it off as well as I'd like, so this is the best photo I could get. The color looks a bit paler than the real thing.
Rhondi xo